Personal Development
At Sneinton C of E, we know that by working together, with our families, as well as local, regional and national partners, we can ensure that our whole community can flourish.
We believe this is achieved through:
- Inclusion, so that all feel respect, dignity and belonging.
- Aspiration, with hope and opportunity for all.
To achieve this, we provide a safe, exciting and active environment for learning that encourages the development of self-awareness and confidence whilst at the same time promoting sensitivity, support, appreciation and respect for others.
Our Curriculum:
- provides the learning opportunities that lead to continuous improvement in achievement
- recognises and rewards all achievement
- allows all children to share positive experiences, to feel valued and to enjoy their life at Sneinton
- assists all to develop the skills and knowledge needed for their current and future roles within society
- encourages parental and community involvement in all aspects of school life
In addition, we encourage the development of the whole person through:
- encouraging children to become confident and positive contributors to their community
- providing opportunities to develop an awareness of our own and other cultures in the wider community
- ensuring that children appreciate diversity
- encouraging and promoting a wide range of inclusive extra-curricular and enrichment opportunities and experiences
We develop and foster links with local, regional, national and international partners so that our children are able to see themselves as hopeful, courageous advocates of change and valued members of their communities:
- Immediate school community
- Community within which the school is located (Sneinton/Nottingham community)
- UK community
- Global community
#WordClass School
Our relentless ambition for the development of all our pupils’ character is something that has been nationally recognised for a number of years and is something that we take every opportunity to share with others. We are proud partners with World Class Schools. We were one of only a few primary schools to be accredited with World Class Quality Mark Status in 2018 and were re-accredited again in 2021.
The aims of the accreditation and national network of schools is to level-up opportunities so that every student can develop these characteristics to a World Class standard regardless of their circumstances or background – disadvantage is never a barrier.
Through the Framework of characteristics, children are taught the skills, competencies and characteristics they need to thrive in an ever-changing global economy. They are taught to be articulate orators who can debate and communicate effectively and who are good at coping with change and imagining the future.
The Framework focuses on three key strands: I am..., I feel..., and I learn by...
SMSC - The Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development
- Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experience; respect values; discover oneself and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect.
- Moral: Recognise right and wrong; respect the civil and criminal law of England; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
- Social: Use social skills in different contexts; work well with others; resolve conflicts; understand how communities work; contribute positively to life in modern Britain
- Cultural: Appreciate cultural influences; knowledge of Britain's democratic parliamentary system; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
At Sneinton, we constantly seek to promote the extensive personal development of pupils. Our pupils have access to a wide, rich set of experiences. Opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests are of exceptional quality. These rich experiences are planned in a coherent way and are delivered through both curriculum enrichment and Extra-Curricular Enrichment.
All curriculum areas provide opportunities to promote students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. It is threaded throughout our school life. Some curriculum areas lend themselves more easily to evidencing direct SMSC development such as PSHE, RHE, RE, E-Safety etc.
We also aim to develop SMSC through safeguarding across the curriculum, worship, behaviour expectations, school values and pupil leadership opportunities.
All these opportunities contribute to personal development and the development of our children’s character development.
Provision for SMSC is monitored and reviewed on a regular basis, including impact through the use of our monitoring and evaluation cycle.
We also track engagement of all groups of children in extra-curricular activities, ensuring that ALL have access to the offer, especially children eligible for pupil premium funding.
Our after school Extra-Curricular enrichment activities are free to all and there is strong take-up by all groups of pupils.
Example termly offer:
Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
At Sneinton, we want the focus to be on the key building blocks of healthy, respectful relationships, focusing on family and friendships, in all contexts, including online.
This will sit alongside the essential understanding of how to be healthy.
Fundamental British Values
As well as developing our school values (Love, Joy, Unity and Hope) and Trust values (Kindness, Equity, Respect, Creativity), we promote the British Values as set our in the National Curriculum (2014).